Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement for Mission Pharmacal Company

Updated: January 1, 2024 This Privacy Statement sets out how Mission Pharmacal Company, together with its subsidiary BioComp Pharma, Inc (collectively, “Mission”), uses and protects information that you give to Mission through the use of Mission websites or mobile applications (collectively, the “Sites”). This Privacy Statement explains how Mission collects, transfers, processes, uses and discloses your data and sets Mission’s security practices. By providing Mission with your personal information, you agree and consent to its transfer, processing, use and disclosure as outlined in this Privacy Statement. Mission’s Sites may contain links to third party websites/content/services that are not owned or controlled by Mission. Mission is not responsible for how such third parties operate or treat your personal information, so Mission recommends that you carefully read the privacy policies and terms associated with those third parties.

What Information Mission Collects

Mission collects personally identifiable information (collectively, “Personal Information”) that you choose to provide, e.g., through registrations, applications and surveys, and in connection with your inquiries. This Personal Information may include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, and visitor comments that you submit. Occasionally, Mission may obtain sensitive Personal Information about you, for example, if you voluntarily provide information about your physical or mental health as part of a request for information. By providing Mission with your sensitive Personal Information, you consent to Mission processing this data for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Statement or any collection notice provided to you. For example, you may choose to provide your name, contact information, health, insurance and/or financial information in connection with a promotion, a patient assistance or support program, or a clinical trial. Healthcare providers may choose to provide information relating to their specialties and professional affiliations. In addition, Mission may gather information about you automatically through your use of the Sites, e.g., your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address and how you navigate the Sites. From time to time, Mission may use or augment the Personal Information that Mission has about you with information obtained from third parties. For example, Mission may use such third party information to confirm contact or financial information, to verify licensure of healthcare professionals, or to better understand your interests by associating demographic information with the information that you have provided.

How Mission Uses Your Personal Information

By providing your Personal Information, you agree that, where it is permitted by local law or where you have agreed to receiving these communications from Mission, Mission may use the information:

  • to respond to your requests;
  • to improve our level of service;
  • to improve the content of Mission’s communications;
  • to provide you with tips, helpful information, product news and updates;
  • to notify you of Mission’s new products and services;
  • to seek your views on Mission’s products and services;
  • to consider your application for employment;
  • for our own administrative and quality assurance purposes;
  • for adverse event or product reporting to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or foreign equivalents; and/or
  • for other purposes that may be detailed on the Sites.

Other Times When Mission May Disclose Your Personal Information

In addition to the other uses and potential disclosures of your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Statement, Mission reserves the right to disclose Personal Information about you, including your e-mail address, for reporting to government authorities, to parties in relevant legal or regulatory proceedings as authorized by the presiding court, tribunal or government agency, and otherwise to the extent required or explicitly authorized by applicable law. In certain special cases where permitted by applicable law, Mission may disclose your Personal Information:

  • when Mission has reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to you or otherwise injuring or interfering with Mission’s rights, property or operations, other users of the Sites or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities;
  • when Mission believes the law requires it, or in response to any demand by law enforcement authorities in connection with a criminal investigation, or civil or administrative authorities in connection with a pending civil case or administrative investigation; and
  • in connection with a substantial corporate transaction, such as the sale of a product line or division, a merger, consolidation, asset sale or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

Aggregated/De-identified Information

Mission may disclose to third parties aggregated or de-identified data that is not personally identifiable. Aggregated data is created by pooling information about individuals and describing the data in the aggregate, e.g., 20% of customers who clicked on the X promotion participated in the promotion.

Sharing Personal Information with Affiliates and Third Parties

Mission may share your Personal Information within Mission, including Mission’s subsidiary, affiliates, contractors and agents in the normal course of business for delivery of the activities to which you have agreed. In addition, Mission sometimes employs other service providers and business partners to perform functions on Mission’s behalf, such as providing technical support for the systems where your Personal Information is held, data analysis, customer service and credit card processing. Those other service providers may need access to your Personal Information in order to perform their functions, but they may not use your Personal Information for any other purpose. Unless otherwise specified in the Sites, Mission will not sell or rent Personal Information to third parties, except that your Personal Information may be transferred to a third party in the event that the business of the Sites, or a part of it and the customer data connected with it, is sold, assigned or transferred.

Internet Protocol (“IP”) Addresses and Website Usage Information

An IP address is a set of numbers that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you log on to your internet service provider or through your organization’s local area network or wide area network. Web servers automatically identify your computer by the IP address assigned to it during your session online. Mission, or third party companies acting on Mission’s behalf, may collect IP addresses for the purposes of systems administration and to audit the use of Mission’s Sites. Mission also may use IP addresses to identify users of Mission’s Sites when Mission feels it is necessary to enforce compliance with the Sites’ terms of use or to protect Mission’s services, websites or other users. Mission may also collect information about your computer browser type and operating system, websites you visited before and after visiting Mission’s Sites, standard server log information, IP addresses, global positioning system (“GPS”) location data, mobile telephone service provider, and mobile telephone operating system. Mission aggregates this information to understand how Mission’s visitors use Mission’s Sites so that Mission can improve Mission’s Sites and the services offered by Mission. Mission may also share this aggregated information with other companies within Mission and with other third parties. This information includes, but it not limited to,  the domain names of Mission’s visitors’ internet service providers.

However, Mission has no duty or obligation to respond to e-mails sent to the webmaster of Mission’s Sites and cannot assure the confidentiality of such communications.


Mission’s Sites may use technology called “cookies.” A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer’s hard disk by a server. Cookies allow Mission’s Sites to respond to you as an individual. Mission’s Sites can tailor their operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences. For instance, Mission’s server may set a cookie that keeps you from having to enter a password more than once during a visit to a website. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is stored if you prefer. Please refer to your internet browser’s instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions and to specify your cookie preferences. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of Mission’s Sites or other websites that you visit.

Information from Outside Sources

Where permitted by applicable law, Mission may also collect legally obtained information from third parties to add to Mission’s existing user databases. Some of this information may be Personal Information. Mission does this to better target information offerings and promotional campaigns in which Mission thinks you would be interested. Such Personal Information will only be collected and used by Mission in accordance with the basis on which it was originally provided by the subject, or as otherwise permitted by applicable law.

How Mission Protects Your Personal Information

Mission has in place privacy and security policies which are intended to ensure, on a commercially reasonable basis, the security and integrity of all Personal Information. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet or a mobile telephone network connection is not completely secure. Although Mission will use commercially reasonable efforts to protect your Personal Information once it is in Mission’s possession, Mission cannot guarantee the security of the Personal Information that you transmit to Mission’s Sites or any third party sites. Any transmission of Personal Information by you is at your own risk.


Mission will retain your information only for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. You may contact Mission in writing to request the updating, correcting or removal of Personal Information that you have provided to Mission at any time using the contact information provided at the end of this Privacy Statement.  There also may be applicable laws that may give you the right to access information that you have provided to Mission. In some countries, you may need to pay a reasonable fee to cover Mission’s costs in providing you with this information.

Links to Other Websites

Mission’s Sites may from time to time provide links to, or embed, third party websites or provide social media plug-ins. This Privacy Statement does not apply to those websites or social media sites. If you choose to enter such a linked site, you agree that Mission is not responsible for the availability of such websites and do not review or endorse and shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for:

  • how those other websites treat your Personal Information;
  • the content of such websites; and
  • the use that others make of those websites.

Please ensure that you check the legal and privacy statements posted on each website or mobile application that you access before entering any Personal Information.

Consent to Processing in the United States and Elsewhere

This site is owned and operated in the United States, but the information that you provide may be accessible to Mission’s affiliates, vendors and suppliers in other countries. Furthermore, if you are visiting this site from a country other than the United States, your communication with Mission will necessarily result in the transfer of information across international boundaries. The level of legal protection for Personal Information is not the same in all countries; however, Mission will take the security measures described in this Privacy Statement in an effort to keep your information secure. Personal Information collected may be transferred to, stored and processed in your country of residence or any other country in which Mission, and/or its subcontractors or agents maintain facilities, including the United States and countries outside the United States. This means that your information may be processed in countries with lower data protection standards than your country of residence. By using Mission’s Sites, you consent to any collection, transfer, processing and/or storing of information both inside and outside of your country of residence, including possibly inside and outside of the United States.

Use of Mission’s Sites by Children

Unless otherwise explicitly stated, Mission’s Sites on which this Privacy Statement appears are not intended or designed to attract children under the age of eighteen (18) years old. Mission does not knowingly collect Personal Information from visitors in that age group via Mission’s Sites.

Medical Disclaimer

IF YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. The contents of this website are provided for informational purposes only. This website cannot replace your healthcare provider’s medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Only a qualified healthcare provider can properly address specific questions regarding your health or nutritional needs. Nothing on this website should be used to replace your healthcare provider’s advice. Use of any information provided by this website is done at your own risk.

Compliance Statement

Mission has implemented compliance programs that include, among other provisions, a code of ethical conduct for interactions with healthcare professionals, and policies to safeguard the privacy and security of patient healthcare information. For more information on these Compliance Programs, contact Mission’s Compliance Officer at the toll-free telephone number of 800.531.3333.


Mission may occasionally update this Privacy Statement. Mission encourages you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to stay informed about how Mission is helping to protect the Personal Information that Mission collects. Your continued use of Mission’s Sites constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Statement and any updates.

This Privacy Statement was last updated on: January 1, 2024